Busy Bee Restaurant
1048 Beacon St. Boston, MA
Price: $4.23
Rating: 69/100
Fullness: satisfied
For my first stop of this journey, I visited Busy Bee Restaurant on Beacon Street in Boston. It is a local diner with a ’50s décor and the scent of an old man’s dresser. However, it’s a cute place with cheap prices. I ordered a bacon, egg, and cheese on a bagel and took a seat in one of their baby blue booths. The sandwich came out within 5 minutes, which automatically had me a bit concerned.
The sandwich featured a real fried egg, 1 slice white American cheese and 2 pieces of crispy bacon (definitely a must for the Bacon Phantom). The bagel was fried rather than toasted. Typically one does not have health on the mind when ordering a breakfast sandwich, however there are some healthier options such as the toasted bagel that does not take away from the overall experience.
The sandwich appeared to be constructed with very little care and I actually had to readirect the bacon overhang back onto the egg. After placing the second half of the bagel on the sandwich in preparation for eating, I realized how truly greasy this guy was. In fact, this visit to the Busy Bee ended up a four-napkin operation.
The bacon was flavorful and the egg was mostly cooked. A little runny yoke never killed anybody, but this breakfast sandwich enthusiast ain’t lookin’ to end up a little runny himself, if you know what I mean.
I gradually made my way through the sandwich only to find myself a bit short of breath during the last few bites. At this point in my life, I’ve learned that that is usually my body throwing the red flag.
This BEC certainly wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t much to write home about either. I didn’t appreciate constantly needing to wipe my hands. For the price, though, I did end up walking away fairly satisfied. Nearly an hour has passed and my chest still doesn’t hurt so I suppose that’s a good sign.
Overall, I’m content with Busy Bee’s bacon, egg and cheese. And considering it’s close proximity to my apartment, I will likely indulge in one again, however I would not recommend traveling a great distance for their BEC.
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