Monday, December 7, 2009

The Glazed McMayo

Today we will be examining the Glazed McMayo. I would be surprised if this heavyweight didn’t take off faster than Stuffed Crust Pizza. For those of you wondering whether I included mayonnaise in it, well no. You’re wrong and you’re sick for it. The sandwich gets its titled from my middle name prior to becoming the Bacon Phantom.

Todays ingredients call for the following:

1 slice of white American cheese

2 eggs

3 strips of Oscar Myer maple bacon

1 honey dipped from Dunkies

First, wash your hands. There’s only room for one pork product in this sandwich and any H1N1 would be too much.

Begin by gently slicing your donut in half. Emphasis on “gently” because these things are obviously not meant for sandwich making and tend to tear easily.

Toss the donut halves in the toaster oven and get your two eggs scrambled and in a mini-pan*. Fry up your 3 strips of bacon until they’re crispy. If you like your bacon flabby then you're sick and you should rethink things.

Ideally, all three of these elements will be done around the same time. Place your egg patty down first, followed by the white American and top it off with the Oscar Myer’s strips.

*I picked up a super mini-pan specifically for egg sandwiches at Shaw’s for $6.99 and it makes perfectly shaped egg patties. The pan is pretty comical looking.

I got the idea of using a glazed donut for sandwich purposes from The Big “E” out in West Springfield that runs for 3 weeks every fall. It was the “Craze-E-Burger” that was getting the most attention this year and consisted of a bacon cheeseburger on a glazed donut. A real heart-stopper. I cried through the last half of the burger. I do believe that it was the Food Network’s Paula Dean who came up with the original glazed donut burger. Bless that butter lovin’ soul.

The Glazed McMayo had the salty sweet going on. I’m now writing this blog about 2 hours later and my chest still hurts (literally). Eating the whole thing was pretty difficult. More for shock value than anything else.

I most likely will not be doing this one again. Fairly delicious yes, but you’ll never see one of these in a weight loss program. Try it once for attention, but leave it at that.

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